Home Error Codes Check Engine Light Blinking then Stops: 12 Reasons

Check Engine Light Blinking then Stops: 12 Reasons

January 15, 2025 | Victor Lukasso

If you notice that your check engine light is blinking and then stops, here are a few things you should know.

The check engine light or MIL (malfunction indicator light) is a warning feature in modern cars that alerts them of potential problems that might affect their cars’ performance.

In some cases, the Illuminated check engine light will remain at a standstill until a fix is implemented; other times, the MIL will continually blink, and there are times when the MIL will start Blinking and then stop all of a sudden.

The stable check engine light denotes car trouble that needs to be addressed but not immediately; error codes might differ from how they impact your car’s performance.


The continuous Blinking of your check engine light denotes a severe problem that needs your attention. It’s a notice that there is a problem with the combustion process, and you’ll not be able to drive your car properly.

Meanwhile, If you notice that your check engine light is Blinking and then Stops, it indicates a soft failure. You don’t need to ignore this. Instead, take your car to a mechanic for proper diagnosis and repair.

Without wasting much time, let’s explore what causes the check engine light to blink, what it means when it stops, and what you should do next.

Why Does My Engine Light Flash Ten Times And Then Stop?

Your check engine light blinks for some time and then stops because the vehicle’s computer has recorded a misfire in the engine.

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If the check engine light stops blinking/flashing after some time, it implies that the misfire has resolved itself, but the underlying issue is still present.

Therefore, the vehicle’s onboard computer will store a diagnostic trouble code that can be retrieved using an OBD-II scanner. The retrieved code contains the cause of the misfire and the required repairs that need to be done.

Why Would The Check Engine Light Come on And Then go Away?

A Blinking check engine light indicates that there has been a soft engine misfire. Here are common reasons why your check engine light will flash and disappear.

  1. A clogged fuel injector
  2. A faulty spark plug or Ignition coil
  3. A clogged air filter
  4. A failing catalytic converter
  5. An engine vacuum leak
  6. An open gas tank
  7. Damaged or worn-out ignition cables
  8. A clogged fuel injector
  9. A low fuel pressure
  10. Leaking Gasket
  11. A problem in the cooling and heating system
  12. Low Oil or Fluids, etc.

There are other possible reasons why your check engine light will start Blinking and stop, which can’t be listed here, but with the aid of an OBD-II scanner, you should be able to identify and fix them.

The common reason your engine light comes on and goes away is a bad spark plug or an open gas tank, which aren’t much of an issue. Regardless of it, visit a professional mechanic for proper repairs.

However, if your check engine light starts Blinking, the misfire is severe enough to cause the engine to run rough, stall, or shut off.

You can check out our article “Why is My Check Engine Light Blinking?” For more details.

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Can a flashing check engine light be fixed?

Yes, with the aid of an OBD-II scanner, a mechanic can identify the cause of the trouble and rectify it.

However, If you notice that your check engine light is blinking and then stops, it’s essential to take your vehicle to a mechanic for proper diagnosis immediately.

The longer you wait to address the issue, the more damage it could cause to your vehicle and the more expensive the repair will be.

An OBD-II scanner is a tool used to detect trouble codes that the PCM has stored on a car. It helps you to be specific while making repairs.

Without wasting much time, follow the steps below to learn why your car is blinking and repair it.

  1. Find a safe and excellent spot to park your car and let it cool off.
  2. Get an OBD-II trouble code scanner – Purchase one from Amazon
  3. Connect the OBD-II scanner to the OBD port right beneath the driver’s side.
  4. Turn the ignition key to “ON” to power up the OBD-II scanner (no need to crank the engine.)
  5. Input the required vehicle information, e.g., VIN.
  6. Navigate to the menu on the OBD-II scanner to check for logged codes and diagnoses.
  7. Look up the logged trouble code on Google and search for possible fixes. Codes starting with P represent issues in the Power train, B represents faults in the car body, C represents a problem in the chassis, and U stands for Undefined codes.
  8. Implement the recommended repairs and reset the check engine light.

If you don’t know how to use the OBD-II scanner, a mechanic will use the OBD-II scanner to retrieve the DTC and inspect your engine, emissions control systems, and other components. They may also perform a road test to verify the issue and determine the severity of the problem.

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If it’s a minor issue, such as a faulty spark plug, an open gas cap, or a clogged oil filter, then the mechanic may be able to repair it quickly and cheaply.

However, the repair might take longer and cost you more if the problem is complex, such as a damaged catalytic converter or a vacuum leak.


Can an Engine Misfire Fix Itself?

No, engine misfires can’t fix themselves; instead, it’ll get worse as the day goes by. If your car engine encounters a misfire while driving, you should immediately seek a mechanic’s attention.

Can I Drive My Car With The Check Engine Light Blinking?

While some users drive their cars with a Blinking check engine light, auto professionals don’t recommend this act. You must park your vehicle and see if you can diagnose and fix the engine trouble.

A Blinking check engine light implies that the computer has recorded an engine misfire, which could be escalated if not taken seriously.

Can Spark Plugs Cause Blinking Check Engine Light?

Yes, a bad spark plug is one of the major causes of a blinking check engine light because it ignites the combustion needed to power your vehicle.

Can a misfire damage your engine?

Yes, a misfire can cause damage to your engine if it’s not addressed on time.

Wrapping UP

If you ever notice that your check engine light is blinking and then stops, your vehicle has detected an engine misfire that needs immediate attention.

You can either troubleshoot the problem using an OBD-II scanner or take your car to a mechanic for proper diagnosis and repair to prevent further damage and ensure smooth car performance.

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Meet Victor Lukasso, the owner of V. Auto Basics. Through this blog, Victor Provides Insights on the latest tips, maintenance, repair, and techniques in the automotive world.
