The tire pressure sensor is a technology used in modern cars to help monitor the pressure of the tires.
If the tire pressure isn’t aligning with the manufacturer’s specification, the TPMS will throw a tire pressure sensor fault on the dashboard.
But what does the error B2872 code or tire pressure sensor fault mean? Can it be fixed by simply inflating the tires to standard pressure? Or is there any extraordinary meaning attached to it?
While these errors can be successfully decoded using an OBD-II scanner, you must get a rough guess of where the problem might be coming from.
In the article, I’ll explain what a tire pressure fault means, its causes, and how to fix it properly.
Why is my tire pressure light on?
The tire pressure sensor fault error, also known as the B2872 error code, indicates a defect with the TPMS (Tire pressure monitoring system).
The TPMS system is designed to monitor and maintain the proper tire pressure in your car.
If the pressure light comes on, it is a sign that there’s either a connection issue blocking the sensors from relating correct signals, the tire pressure is either too low or too high, or there’s a problem with the wiring or the TPMS control unit.
Proper tire pressure is crucial for several reasons: It helps to improve fuel efficiency, extend the life of your tires, and, most importantly, ensure your and your passengers’ safety while driving.
As stated earlier, the exact cause of this warning light could be read directly by an OBD-II scanner.
You can also seek the help of a mechanic if you’re confused about how to go about the repairs.

Causes of Tire Pressure Sensor Fault
The tire pressure sensor fault doesn’t just show up on the screen for no reason except in cases where you’ve implemented the fixes and haven’t cleared the error codes.
Here are possible reasons why the tire pressure sensor fault error would display on your dashboard.
1. Low or High Tire Pressure
The main function of the tire pressure gauge is to monitor the pressure in the car’s tires. If one tire is below or above the programmed pressure, then the pressure light should come on.
The tire pressure sensor saves the error codes and sends them to the computer, which can, in turn, be read using a scanner.
2. Faulty or worn-out sensors
There are sensors on the tires to ensure they function properly. If any of these sensors wear out or fail, you should see the pressure fault light.
Sometimes, they might start throwing wrong signals, fail, or malfunction. All these are signs that it’s time for a replacement.
Also, there could be an interference with the sensor signal, making it unable to pick up sensors.
Other factors contributing to sensor damage include age, exposure to extreme temperatures, or physical damage.
3. Problematic TPMS
In some cases, there could be issues with your TPMS that’ll warrant it to start throwing codes even when the tire pressure is correct.
Also, this could result from wear and tear of some of the system components, and we’ll advise that the main cause should be diagnosed appropriately before implementing repairs.
You can check the brake lines, transmission, antenna, and wiring components to ensure they all work fine.
It could also be a result of a temporary glitch with the system.
4. Wiring Faults
If there’s a problem in the wiring harness of the TPMS, it’ll likely start throwing codes even when the tire pressure is accurate.
5. Low Battery
Something as simple as a low battery might also cause the tire pressure fault to display.
If the battery is low, the sensor may not be able to transmit the correct pressure information to the vehicle’s computer, resulting in a fault light.
6. You bought new Tires
You must reset the TPMS once you’re installing a wheel that hasn’t been used on the car before to avoid the pressure warning light coming on.
Failure to do this will leave you intrigued about what the problem is.
Symptoms of a Faulty Tire Pressure Sensor
Once your tire pressure sensor throws a fault code, you’ll start noticing one or all of the following on your car.
This doesn’t apply when the fault code comes up due to a faulty tire pressure monitoring sensor.
- Uneven tire wear out
- Illuminated check engine light
- Poor fuel mileage
- Shaky steering wheel
- Noise from the wheel
Now that you know the causes and symptoms of a tire pressure sensor fault, let’s see the possible ways to fix it.
How to Turn Off the Tire Pressure Light
While the tire pressure sensor light doesn’t seem complex from the above illustration, it could be quite hard to fix if you don’t have prior knowledge of automotive repairs.
From experience, there’s also a case where your tire pressure gauge light will start blinking, leaving you fascinated.
Regardless of the issues, you can follow the below guides to turn off a tire pressure light.
1. Inflating the tires
The first step towards turning off the tire pressure light is to inspect and inflate the tires to the standard PSI.
You can check your manual for the correct pressure and use a tire gauge to determine if it needs inflation or deflation.
Also, tires might lose some air while driving or parked, so it’s advised that you inflate it a bit above the recommended PSI.
2. Reset the TPMS
The tire pressure light might remain illuminated even after inflating the tire to normal.
In some cases, it’ll clear off after driving for some distance, but in other cases, you’ll need to reset the code using an OBD-II trouble scanner.
Advanced car models come with a few buttons that can be pressed to reset the TPMS.
Resetting the TPMS is also necessary when you get a set of new tires for your car.
3. Reconnect the Battery
Disconnecting and reconnecting the battery would drain the energy from the system and reset it when it’s reconnected.
Also, if your car battery is low, it could ignite the tire pressure sensor light.
The best way to fix this is to either replace the battery with a charged battery or remove the negative terminal of your battery.
Wait for some minutes, reconnect the terminal, and the error should be fixed instantly.
4. Replace the faulty tire pressure sensor
If the problem is from a damaged or failed tire pressure sensor, you shouldn’t hesitate to replace the sensor.
You can contact a mechanic to help suggest the best sensor for your car. The replacement usually costs $50 and above.
Can I drive with a tire pressure sensor fault?
Driving with a tire pressure fault is possible, provided your tires are filled with normal air pressure.
However, it would be best if you got the faulty TPS fixed as soon as possible.
How do I fix the tire pressure sensor fault?
To fix the tire pressure sensor fault, you can either reset the tire pressure sensor light, disconnect the negative terminal of the battery, or inflate your car tires with the correct air pressure.
How serious is a tire pressure sensor fault?
Due to the complexity of the pressure sensor fault, the cause of the fault code will determine how serious it is. However, you should worry about the error code if your tires are inflated appropriately.
Can potholes damage the tire pressure sensor?
Potholes can damage tire pressure sensors because of the impact of the hit, which could bend some of the sensors installed on the tires. It could also result in tire sidewall bubbles.
Will a tire pressure sensor reset itself?
Yes, if your tire is filled with the appropriate air pressure, the pressure sensor light should reset itself in 10 minutes.
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